Source code for serde.validators

This module contains validators for use with `Fields <serde.fields.Field>`.

from serde.exceptions import ValidationError
from serde.utils import is_subclass

[docs]class Validator(object): """ An abstract validator class that all validators should subclass. """ def __eq__(self, other): """ Whether this validator is equal to another validator. """ return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self._attrs() == other._attrs() def _attrs(self): """ Returns a dictionary of all public attributes on this validator. """ return { name: value for name, value in vars(self).items() if not name.startswith('_') } def __call__(self, value): """ Call this validator on a value. """ raise NotImplementedError('this method should be overridden')
[docs]class Min(Validator): """ A validator that asserts the value is greater than a minimum. Args: inclusive (bool): if this is set to `False` then the endpoint value will not be considered valid. """ def __init__(self, endpoint, inclusive=True): self.endpoint = endpoint self.inclusive = inclusive def __call__(self, value): if self.inclusive: if value < self.endpoint: raise ValidationError( f'expected at least {self.endpoint!r}', value=value ) else: if value <= self.endpoint: raise ValidationError( f'expected more than {self.endpoint!r}', value=value )
[docs]class Max(Validator): """ A validator that asserts the value is less than a maximum. Args: inclusive (bool): if this is set to `False` then the endpoint value will not be considered valid. """ def __init__(self, endpoint, inclusive=True): self.endpoint = endpoint self.inclusive = inclusive def __call__(self, value): if self.inclusive: if value > self.endpoint: raise ValidationError( f'expected at most {self.endpoint!r}', value=value ) else: if value >= self.endpoint: raise ValidationError( f'expected less than {self.endpoint!r}', value=value )
[docs]class Between(Validator): """ A validator that asserts the value is between two endpoints. Args: inclusive (bool): if this is set to `False` then the endpoint values will not be considered valid. """ def __init__(self, min_endpoint, max_endpoint, inclusive=True): self.min_validator = Min(min_endpoint, inclusive=inclusive) self.max_validator = Max(max_endpoint, inclusive=inclusive) def __call__(self, value): self.min_validator(value) self.max_validator(value)
[docs]class Length(Validator): """ A validator that asserts the value's length is a specific value. """ def __init__(self, length): self.length = length def __call__(self, value): if len(value) != self.length: raise ValidationError(f'expected length {self.length!r}', value=value)
[docs]class LengthMin(Min): """ A validator that asserts the value's length is greater than a minimum. Args: inclusive (bool): if this is set to `False` then the endpoint value will not be considered valid. """ def __call__(self, value): super(LengthMin, self).__call__(len(value))
[docs]class LengthMax(Max): """ A validator that asserts the value's length is less than a maximum. Args: inclusive (bool): if this is set to `False` then the endpoint value will not be considered valid. """ def __call__(self, value): super(LengthMax, self).__call__(len(value))
[docs]class LengthBetween(Between): """ A validator that asserts the value's length is between two endpoints. Args: inclusive (bool): if this is set to `False` then the endpoint values will not be considered valid. """ def __call__(self, value): return super(LengthBetween, self).__call__(len(value))
__all__ = [name for name, obj in globals().items() if is_subclass(obj, Validator)]